Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hadif nak babah!!!

Again! that boy has shown his tantrum this morning. Just have a telephone conversation with teacher Iman. At this moment, he is doing well. Aiyooo... how la Hadif jadi gini???? for complete story, please refer here. I noticed that, Bila babah dia je hantar dia, without mama dia, dia mesti bertukar kaler ijau. Tak mo pi Skul, nak ikut babah. Kalau time babah dia di offshore, tinggal dgn mama je, tak de problem apa pun. Bangun pagi, mama suh mandi. Lepas mandi pakai baju sendiri, "mama butangkan yang atas je" Lepas siap, tunggu mama pulak siap, pas tu having a bottle of milk before off to school. Dalam perjalanan mood pun ok..sembang itu ini, kalau sempat singgah tempat opah meniaga. Sampai Genius Aulad, salam mama, hug and kisses, pesan kat mama "nanti opah amik ke mama amik?" lepas mama jawab "opah amik sayang..." dia pun babai..then naik atas. Selesai. Why when his babah around he suddenly change his mood? Sakit kepala bila fikir. Afraid next week when babah is not around, he will show his tantrum again.

Apapun, will slow talk to Hadif nanti. I know it is not easy to him because dia jumpa babah dia 2 minggu je, nak manja2 ke..nak ngada2 ke..2 minggu jek, lagi dua minggu tu dgn mama je .... I don't know how to share my feeling dealing with this situation. Nampak senang, tapi tak mudah, ok. I know, I am not a good mother, but I give my all to hadif. Dalam masa nak prepare kelengkapan dia, time dia shows dia punya tantrum, to make sure he get the best... dan ada masa tu, time balik dari ofis, tak sempat duduk lagi dia dah minta attention. Tu baru sorang. Tak kira lagi paip air nak tercabut la, battery kete kong la, mcam2 hal time hubby tak de. Respect to kak shilla, sebab take care 3 kids without maid. Hubby pulak jenis out-station jek. No wonder, pagi2 bila sampai ofis dia nampak penat je. Itulah pengorbanan seorang ibu.

Hopefully, all back to normal. Hadif, please..please ...please hadif...don't do that again, ok? We all dalam perancangan nak cari another skul for hadif for next year, perhaps. CEC? Smart Reader? any suggestion anybody?


Received video call from the boys (of course babah and son ler) with gelak2 on their way to back from Genius Aulad and heading to Bukit Tinggi. What else? tengok wayang la tu...nak tengok hulk ler.. patutlah bertukar jadi ijau pagi tadi mamat tu... signal ajak babah gi tengok wayang. Always like that. Will get what he wants from his babah.


shilla72ibrahim said...

dun wori mama....that's parts & parcels of a mother....u r doing great!!!!there's no rite and wrong, cuba & trus mencuba...LOL..:)

nn said...

alala...mama hadif...bawak bersabar yea...dugaan tuh.dlm mendidik anak, kesabaran yg paling penting.biasalah tuh, sekalisekala anak suka buat a strong mom ok....mama hadif boleh!chaiyok...chaiyok...

mc ta said...

aik..Hadif nak tukar skul next year?? apasal??
Last year pun ingat nak tukar Danish pi Qdees ..tapi takut lak dia buat hal cam last year, seminggu tak masuk class, so..stay jelah nak GA tuh. Tapi Damia, may be no more GA I guess :)

Hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan, Tak ikut?
Penakut. Kalau ikut? eeii..eii..sukanya dia!!