Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 5th Anniversary. Still long way to go. But for me, 5 great years and it still going on and on! Its going to be very modest but exciting. The house is a gift for both of us this year. And yes, we are still 3 small family members. Syukur Ya Allah, Amin for more blessful years!

Anyway hubby dearie, I truly mean it, no amount of designer bags or shoes can buy the amount of love that we have and we share. The marriage will always blooming no matter what. Our faith and belief with the loves that we share will keep us going, thanks for being with me thru all the thick and thin. Love you more...and more..and more...emmmuah.. thanks for everything yang..

soksek: baru lega dari 'food poisoning' ... lembik jadiknya!

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Hidup ini penuh dengan dugaan, Tak ikut?
Penakut. Kalau ikut? eeii..eii..sukanya dia!!